Teoxane Dermal Fillers
Crow’s feet and sunken cheeks may be an inevitable part of aging, but they don’t have to be part of your look. Teoxane dermal fillers provide the perfect solution to the wrinkles that just keep coming.

Dermal fillers are the injection of hyaluronic acid to the skin in order to smooth out any unwanted wrinkles. Teoxane’s Teosyal® product line offers a variety of unique filler solutions to be able to provide care for a wide range of symptoms.

As the body ages, the skin loses collagen, elastin, and natural hyaluronic acids. With time, the absence of these elements cause parts of the skin to appear sunken and shallow. A dermal filler is able to reintroduce these lost building blocks of healthy skin.

The major benefit of using the Teoxane dermal filler line is the wide range of available products, each tailored to treating different symptoms of aging skin. These include Teosyal RHA® 4 to provide volume to the cheek, Teosyal RHA® Kiss to reshape the lips and more.

After receiving Teoxane dermal fillers, you can expect to see a return to youthful aesthetics. The treated area will be rejuvenated to a natural and comfortable state. The skin will also feel hydrated and smooth.
How many sessions are required for dermal fillers?
The best part about using dermal fillers to treat aging skin is the process is completely customizable. Depending on the severity of the symptoms being treated, you and your technician can design the best possible plan to get your skin to exactly where it needs to be. This can range in types of fillers used, quantity, and number of treatments.
What is the difference between dermal fillers and Botox?
Botox and dermal fillers are both injectables, but provide different results. Botox acts as a freezing agent for muscles. This prevents the repetitive muscle movement that causes wrinkles and creases. Dermal fillers are hyaluronic acids that are used to restore volume that was previously lost.

What to Expect Post-Treatment
After receiving Teoxane dermal fillers, you can almost immediately resume non-strenuous day-to-day activities. The treated area may appear overfilled, swollen, bruised or numb. Most symptoms will subside within a few days of the treatment. After symptoms subside, you should be able to see the effects of the Teoxane dermal fillers. The treated areas should now appear smoother and healthier than before. You can expect the treatment to be long lasting, but may need to be revisited again in a few years for further treatment.
Call to set up an appointment or visit our Long Island spa location. Go to our contact page and begin the process of looking younger today!
Call Now! (917) 331-6191
We are located at 500 North Broadway, Suite 142A, Jericho — Long Island, NY 11753