AquaGold Fine Touch in Jericho, Long Island and NYC


Anti-aging results.

No bleeding, no pain, no downtime.

Unlock the gold standard in microneedling treatments today.

Skincare standards are constantly evolving, and so are treatments. In no part of the skincare industry is this truer than with facials. In the past, facials were considered to be an occasional treat for your skin, often composed of mashed up fruits and vegetables found on your kitchen counter.

Oh, how things have changed. Facials are no longer viewed as a ‘once in a blue moon’ treat; they’re a staple of quality skincare. Moreover, there is an entire field of study that works to find out what facials provide the best results, and how to create better facials for every single type of skin.

Most people have experienced a facial treatment at a spa, but the buck definitely doesn’t stop at standard clay masks. Facials have evolved, and so have specialty skin treatments. One of the newest ways to reduce wrinkles, increase blood flow, and improve your skin tone is through microneedling.

Microneedling works by using small needles to make extremely petite incisions in your skin. The small holes help increase blood flow, boost collagen, and can also be used to help better absorb skin boosters as part of a facial. Even though this treatment is new, it’s still changing thanks to new innovations in skincare.

Aquagold Fine Touch is the culmination of years of work in skincare, and it’s changing the way people are seeing microneedling. At the Virtual Skin Spa, we are proud to become one of the first to offer Aquagold packages to clients throughout the New York City and Long Island.

What is Aquagold Fine Touch?

Aquagold is the newest wave of innovation in skincare, and is designed to help offer better results than ever before. It’s the treatment of choice for patients who come to Virtual Skin Spa in hopes of alleviating deeply-set wrinkles in areas that are too sensitive for most microneedling procedures.

This treatment uses a special microneedling tool developed with the specific intent of being as gentle as possible. Dermatologists use Aquagold Fine Touch to help deliver custom-created skin boosters, dermal fillers, and facial treatments to places that are difficult to treat by normal microneedling measures.

Why Aquagold Fine Touch?

Microneedling is an excellent choice for just about any skin issue, and the Aquagold Fine Touch is the pinnacle of quality equipment. Aquagold is gentle, leaves no visible marks on your skin, requires no downtime, and is totally painless.

This specialty tool uses a total of 20 microscopic needles to deliver the skin boosters chosen by your aesthetician. Each needle tip is covered in gold in order to reduce the chance of skin irritation, all while delivering the skin treatment you want at a depth of 600 microns.

The gentle design of the Aquagold Fine Touch means you get amazing results, a customized treatment, and also have less irritation than ever before. Because of the way the needles are placed, patients also get the benefit of decreased bleeding and lower microtear risk.

All in all, the Aquagold Fine Touch definitely lives up to its name. It’s an ideal choice for anyone that wants gentle care that offers results that exceed standard microneedling sessions.

What Kind of Skin Treatments Can Be Used With Aquagold Fine Touch?

Microneedling can be done without using facial treatments, but it’s generally not as effective. That’s why it’s recommended to speak with a skincare specialist about the treatments that can be infused into your skin via the needles.

Both skincare professionals and patients love Aquagold because of how many different treatments can be used in conjunction with this equipment. Dermal fillers, skin boosters, as well as treatments like Botox can all be used with the Aquagold Fine Touch.

In most cases, the treatments that will be administered aren’t strictly one filler or booster. Rather, it’s a specially-blended mixture that’s catered to work with your skin’s particular needs. That’s the great thing about Aquagold; it’s always custom care.

What Does an Aquagold Treatment Involve?

Before you can have an Aquagold treatment, you will need to consult with a specialist who will analyze your skin. They will determine what fillers and treatments to blend together, plus the number of treatments you will need.

Aquagold Fine Touch tools work well with a wide variety of different treatments, including fillers like Restylane and anti-aging treatments like Botox. Talking to a Virtual Skin Spa specialist will help you learn about which options will work best for you.

After your consultation, your specialist will mix your skin boosters for you and apply them by running the Aquagold Fine Touch over your problem spots. There’s no downtime, no bleeding, and no typical side effects involved.

Use Aquagold Fine Touch with Other Therapies

At Virtual Skin Spa, we offer a huge array of facial treatments that work well in conjunction with the Aquagold Fine Touch. It works well with standard facials, Hydrafacials, as well as specialty dermal filler procedures. If you have been hoping to get better results from laser procedures, Aquagold is an excellent choice. Dermatologists strongly recommend using Aquagold after receiving laser therapy, primarily because of its restorative traits.

Want to Learn More?

Aquagold Fine Touch treatments are an exceptional choice for anyone who wants to treat deep wrinkles, even out skin tone, and reverse the signs of aging. Most people see noticeable changes in one treatment, with many more choosing to do multiple processes in order to achieve optimal results.

If you are ready to see the full benefits of microneedling through Aquagold, the best way to get the started is to ask for a consultation. At our New York City and Long Island Virtual Skin Spa locations, we are able to help you get the perfect treatment. The first step to your skincare journey starts with a phone call to our office, so give us a call today.

Call Us - (917) 331-6191